Games and ARGs

Marvel Battle Lines

unnamedMy newest game project is Marvel Battle Lines, a card-collecting, battlefield-strategy hybrid mobile game that also has a big ongoing story. It starts with the destruction of the Cosmic Cube and the disappearance of Captain America, and things get crazy from there. How crazy, you ask? Play it and find out!

Battle Lines was the Game of the Day at iTunes at launch, which was a big thrill to see. I hope you dig it.

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival

Screen-Shot-2015-10-30-at-2.10.15-AMI also currently work on The Walking Dead: Road to Survival, a mobile RPG featuring tons of original content as well as missions adapted from the comic and TV storylines.



Marvel Avengers Alliance

Marvel_Avengers_Alliance_002For six years, I wrote the script and did story development for Marvel: Avengers Alliance. There’s been too much written about the game to keep track of it all, but I have a soft spot for this Variety article because it was the first time I ever saw my name in those pages. There’s also this Gamasutra piece exploring Alliance‘s new (for Facebook, anyway) combination of gameplay and story features.

Marvel War of Heroes

marvel_woh_displayDuring its four-year run, I wrote thousands of lines of mission, card, and character texts for the super addictive online card game Marvel War of Heroes …



Marvel Puzzle Quest

220px-Marvel_Puzzle_Quest_Coverart…and still contribute mission event stories for the super fun match-three extravaganza known as Marvel Puzzle Quest. In fact, there’s another one coming soon…




The Beast and I Love Bees

ILoveBees_-_HomepageAlso, back in the early 2000s, I wrote parts of the pioneering ARGs The Beast and I Love Bees (pictured). I’d love to get back to doing that someday. I have done some other interesting transmedia stuff in the interim, including New York Collapse, about which more here.

2 responses to “Games and ARGs”

  1. G'day Mr IrvineThe Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki is humbled that you have noticed us.This is just a quick note to let you know how much we appreciate that you have noticed us and that you approve of the work our community has put into this project enough to plug us on your Blog.On behalf of the many fans of M:AA that participate and contribute to the M:AA Wiki, unpaid and in our own time for no other reason than because we love your work…Thank you!!!


  2. Hello Mr. Irvine, I'm a great fan of your work with Avengers Alliance. I'm a moderator of the Wikia, where we admire you and wish that you keep your great work.Thank you for making such a good social game (the best I've seen) and for “assembling” so many heroes in a single game!!!


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